So, I've finished doing the DP1 module which was in Animation. I had never done anything to do with Animation before so there was a lot to learn! I found the process time-consuming and at times frustrating but overall I really enjoyed doing it, and it's something I can see myself taking further! Once you have a grasp on the software it's a lot of fun to create everything from scratch and I realise my final piece isn't amazing but I'm still pleased with myself for what I have done!
When we first got the brief I was a little daunted, but I immediately had an idea of designing a little blobby character like the one from the original BBC Three ident. So it was pretty lucky that we learnt how to model a similar character as I was able to tweak that design to create my own. The idea behind my clip is that the letters (which are my initials) turn into a generator which produces a football which the character heads on, only to find a UFO has flown in and is hovering above his head, he subsequently get lifted up by the UFO and dropped a few seconds later, it's a basic idea but thought it would be good because it allowed me to use my recently acquired to skills easily. The most difficult part of the creation was the football which has slightly been cut out of the final piece so I think there will a take 2 coming soon which shows it more clearly, I will post some images of the football as well, as I am quite proud of it, I even managed to create the separate panels on it. As part of the animation teaching we had a guest lecturer who was a storyboard artist, I found these sessions really useful as he taught us how to get our ideas down in quickly but accurately, this helped me storyboard some of my initial ideas.
Overall I really enjoyed my first DP1 module, it was fairly hard work but once you know the basics it's great fun and I really enjoyed it
I am going to post a take 2 of the ident some time soon.......
what's the difference between takes 1 and 2?